2014 Rideau River Crossing Bridge
Rideau River Crossing 2014
City of Ottawa, Canada- proposal
Steel, powder coat
These bridge railing designs use micrographs as a means to identify the inner workings of significant shoreline plant species that contribute to the health of the Rideau River; frogbit, yellow pond lily, bladderworth, pondweed and tapegrass among others. The water carrying inner patterned vascular system, the veins of the plant, are the source for the laser cut images. These altered images will form part of the central railings within each viewing platform area and provide an invitation to observe and linger.
As the viewer engages with the artwork by cycling, walking or in casual conversation within the viewing area, they may recognize a subtle asymmetrical movement of the vertical railings on either side. The vertical railings morph from straight to gestural lines and mirror the topographical linear shape of the banks of the Rideau River. This approach combines multiple viewing perspectives, while the topographical charts the larger wider view, the micrograph offers a close up inspection of the complexities within. This reflects the way we engage with our environment and the work further explores this experience.